Latest News and Events SPRING 2023
The long awaited LIVE SHOW 23 Was held at Pontefract Town Hall in March.
There were 6 performances including a matinee. The Live Show was a huge success with full houses for all performances.
As usual there were lots of different styles of dance, including musical theatre, jazz, street/contemporary, ballet, tap, gymnastics & cheerleading. Comedy has always played a big part in our shows and this year the CHAR ladies didn't disappoint with their hilarious antics, as did the tiny tots with some of theirs.
I will be uploading plenty of show photos very shortly.
Katherine Leydon Smith.
We are now busy practicing for our forthcoming IDTA examinations in November.
Gemma has decided to restart her Cheerleading class on Monday 7th June.
The class starts at 5pm and lasts 45 minutes.
Children must be 4 years and over to join the class
Latest News and Events November 2020
It was such a relief to squeeze in our examination session before the second lockdown.
The exams were originally booked for March 2020 but had to be postponed because the virus.
The session which was held on Friday 16th October was a great success and produced some excellent results.
Unfortunately I've had to cancel our next LIVE SHOW which was booked for March 2021. Hopefully it will be re scheduled for March 2022.
Stay safe everyone xxx
Latest News and Events September 2020
As most of you know we will be reopening the school on Monday 7th September.
Taking guidance from the International Dance Teachers Association the following measures have been put into place to make the teaching environment as safe as possible for students and staff.
When you enter the building you will see a temperature scanner on the right hand side. All pupils and parents must use the scanner before continuing into the building. In line with the squash club rules and our own concern for the students welfare, anyone with a temperature will not be permitted to enter the club or take part in their lessons that day.
Please use the hand sanitiser on the wall next to the scanner. There are three more hand sanitisers in the building; one in the function room, one on the wall next to the bar and the third one is in the corridor between studio 1&2.
Please follow the floor signs and if you are staying inside the building during your child's lesson, please stick to the social distancing rules.
All our rooms are regularly sanitised with a Fogging Machine ( this disinfects and sanitises large areas ) All equipment and ballet barres will be cleaned after every class.
If children require water during lessons you will need to provide them with a filled water bottle because the club no longer have water containers.
Can you make sure your child goes to the toilet before leaving home.
Parents won't be allowed to enter the dance studios so can you please bring your child dressed ready for class, preferably in their tap shoes and only holding their ballet shoes and water bottle. No bags ( for now ) Make sure all shoes and dance wear have their name written inside.
Classrooms this term.
MY Saturday classes will be held in the Function Room. Please enter using the first door on your left and exit via the door next to the stairs.
MELISSA'S class will be in Studio 1. JUNIOR & SENIOR MUSICAL THEATRE ( Beth ) will also be in Studio 1. Please enter using the door behind the bar and exit via the door down the stairs and past the gym.
LYNSEY & JOANNE'S will be in studio 2 this term ( there's only one entrance and exit which is behind the bar )
GEMMA'S classes will be held in the classroom above the Badminton Hall. Pupils will be scanned with a portable temperature machine. The hand sanitiser is in the entrance hall.
We will ensure social distancing is in place during lessons.
From September onwards all classes will be £5 per hour. The fees will still be paid termly and divided into three terms as usual ( except Musical Theatre )
0ne hour class £68.50
One and a half hour class £94.50
One and three quarter hour class £110.75
To reduce cash handling we request that all fees be paid directly into this account : sort code 543064 account number 42559812.
If you have any queries please contact me.
The rescheduled exams are on Friday 16th October. The revised timetable will be announced as soon as possible.
Looking forward to seeing you all.
Kath xxxxxx
There will be a new Contemporary Jazz class for beginners on Saturday mornings at Date TBA.
I had to cancel our examinations on March 26th & 27th because of the Corona Virus. The exams will be rescheduled when the school reopens.
January 2020
We are busy rehearsing for our Cabaret Evening at Carleton Grange Community Centre. The performances are on Thursday 6th, Friday 7th & Saturday 8th February.
The tickets which include a Pie & Peas supper cost £15 and can be purchased from Katherine Smith on 07789065890.
The Cabaret was a huge success. All three shows were a sellout but it was such a shame to have to turn people away.
The Cabaret opened with a medley of songs and dances from the extreemely popular The Greatest Showman. Some old favourites were resurrected such as the hilarious Char Ladies and the Can Can.
All the medleys including songs from Mamma Mia ( Here We Go Again) We Will Rock You, Chicago, Buddy, Footloose & Les Miserable were accompanied by live singers.
The dance to Billie Eilish's song Bad Guy proved to be one of the most popular dances in the show. The adult jazz class performed an energetic dance to a medley of George Ezra songs. There were also four fantastic tap numbers to Bombaleo, Bye Bye Blackbird, A friend like me & The other side ( Greatest Showman )
Not forgetting a very funky dance to Just Got paid, some beautifully sung solos and duets performed by Kevin Higgins, Darren Wakefield( also our very competent MC) Josephine Gowing, Beth Rowett, Rachel Dedicoat, Jamiella Bruzulier & Jess Sweeting.
The Pie and Pea supper provided by Carleton Grange was delicious as usual.
A big thank you to everyone taking part.
I hope you enjoy browsing through some of our dress rehearsal photos.
The eagerly awaited Live Show 2018 was held at Pontefract Town Hall in March. The six performances which included a matinee commenced on Tuesday 18th until Saturday 22nd.
Live show as usual was a colourful and energetic show with many dance genres, including ballet, tap, jazz, street, musical theatre and contemporary.
The show was largely musical theatre based with extracts from musicals such as Beautiful, Anything Goes, West Side Story, Blues Brothers, School of Rock and Moana.
The younger students performed some cool ballet/dico moves to the Trolls soundtrack.
Witches v Wizards was the title of our senior girls ballet which was performed to the brilliant Harry Potter soundtrack.
A big thank you to everyone taking part.
All proceeds were donated to local charities.
I hope you enjoy browsing through our dress rehearsal photos
I hope you enjoy browsing through some of our dress rehearsal photos.
After five months of energetic rehearsals our CABARET evening was held at Carleton Grange on 2nd,3rd & 4th February.
The show which was a complete sellout was extremely colourful and entertaining. As well as different dance genres our cabaret included lots of singing and comedy.The audience were all treated to a pie & pea supper during the interval.
There was a total of eighty cast members this year ranging from 11 to 66 years.
Back to reality, our younger students are now working very hard for their forthcoming examinations on Friday 31st March.
Good luck to everyone involved.
After a great deal of hard work all our students who took exams in April and July were rewarded with some excellent results.
Our presentation/Disco will be held at the Squash Club on Saturday 24th September at
Rehearsals for the February 2017 CABARET will commence on Monday 5th September.
The championships are being held at Pontefract Squash Club from Tuesday 13th September until Saturday 17th September.
Our senior students and adult dancers will be providing 30 minutes entertainment at the opening ceremony.
After our LIVE SHOW 2015 everyone buckled down to some hard work in preparation for examinations in December. We had some excellent results so congratulations to all our students who took part.
We had a presentation night and a crazy disco on 27th February ( DJ Dave )After the presentation the senior Musical Theatre class performed a lively mash up of songs from "Oliver"
Our students are now working hard for their forthcoming exams in April, June & July.
In September our senior dancers, adults, singers & the Musical Theatre class will start rehearsing for a cabaret which will be held at Carleton Grange in February.
Commencing on Tuesday 10th March an excited cast of 180 dancers and singers enthusiastically performed six shows at Pontefract Town Hall. The shows were performed over five days and all proceeds will go to local charities.
Lively dance routines, a sprinkling of comedy, beautiful singing and colourful costumes all contributed to the success of our happy show.
The show which included ballet, tap, jazz, street and cheerleading opened with a spectacular medley of song and dance routines from Top Hat. The younger students danced and sang their hearts out to music from Matilda and Frozen.
The cast also performed medleys from Oklahoma/Carousel, Baggy Trousers, Sweet Charity, Dreamboats n Petticoats and many more. Back to the Eighties was the theme for our colourful finale.
A big thank you to everyone involved in making Live Show a huge success.

Once again our students ranging from Primary Tap to Intermediate Ballet were successful in passing their end of year examinations which took place on 10th and 13th July. We had some excellent results so well done everone for working so hard.
Also in July we started rehearsals for a singalong/ concert which was held at Carleton Grange on August 2nd. We only managed a couple of rehearsals but we mainly rearanged numbers we've used before.
The show was a roaring success because the audience was made up of 75% pensioners from the Carleton Grange Sequence Dance Club. They loved all the sing along medleys and joined in with gusto !!!
To recreate the atmosphere of the world wars, we trimmed the club up with Union Jack flags, bunting and sand bags.
Only twelve of our pupils were involved because of school holidays but luckily there were several talented singers amongst them who sang favourets such as We'll Meet Again, White Cliffs of Dover and A Nightingale Sang In Berkley Square.
Six of our adult students provided the comedy along with Roy the Grange manager and Jane, one of his barmaids.
Darren Wakefield did a sterling job as Master of Ceremonies !!!
The next big event to take place will be LIVE SHOW 2015. Can't wait to start rehearsals in September !!!!
Busy Few Months April 2014
We've had hectic few months, starting with our very first Christmas Cabaret at the Carleton Grange in December.
The Cabaret was a great succcess and was sold out as usual. There was something for everyone, including ballet, tap, hip hop, comedy and extracts from Christmas musicals including Polar Express and Scrooge.
As well as our beautiful dancers we were also entertained by our resident singers and the brilliant MC Darren Wakefield.
The Cabaret was also tinged with sadness because a group of our senior dancers who joined the school as 3 year olds will be off to university in September, so it was their last show.
We've also had two examination sessions this term, one in February and a session last Saturday 5th April. We had a 100% pass rate with some excellent results in February but are still waiting for our April reports. ( Fingers crossed )
Our next examination sessions will be in July, I will keep you posted on dates and times.
Presentation Disco
Our younger pupils had a blast at the Presentation Disco in February. Dj Dave was as mad and entertaining as ever.
It was a great fun afternoon for pupils and parents.
There will be another Presentation/Disco before the summer break.
Hope you enjoy browsing through the girls backstage photos.
Our very first Christmas Cabaret will take place at the Carleton Grange on 5th, 6th & 7th December.
The ticket price is £10 and includes a pie and pea supper.
Our senior students and adults will be performing all your favourite Christmas songs.
For tickets please ring Katherine Smith on 07789065890.
Yet again our pupils achieved 100% pass rate in our March & July exam sessions. Pupils took exams in Ballet, Tap, Musical Theatre, Modern Jazz and Cheerleading. The majority of our pupils passed with Honours or Highly Commended. Congratulations to all our students.
Our next examination session is Sunday 9th February 2014.

Live Show 2012 was a great success and we managed to raise over £4,000. Three years is a long time to wait for a show but the audience was rewarded with a great performance of our week-long run of Live Show.
Performers wore stunningly colourful and imaginative costumes and the show opened with a lively Carnival and included medleys from films as widely differing as Toy Story, Singing in the Rain, Ghostbusters, Les Miserable, South Pacific and Jungle Book. Variety was certainly the key note of this show as the style dance included ballet, tap, modern jazz, funk, streetdance, cheerleading and musical theatre performances. To see more of our photographs from the show please click here.
Congratulations to all pupils who participated in our Summer 2011 exam session - once again pupils from the Leydon-Smith School of Dance achieved excellent results and the school as a whole had a 100% pass rate. The results are available on the Dance School noticeboard.

We are delighted to announce that we have arranged to host Professional Ballet Workshops at Pontefract Squash Club on Friday 28 October 2011.
There will be three workshops in total. Each one suited to different age/ability levels. We will be starting with a one hour session for our younger pupils; then a one and a half hour session for the next level and the final workshop for our older/more advanced pupils will be a three hour session. Each workshop will cover a popular ballet such as The Nutcracker, La Fille Male Gardee, Coppelia or Swan Lake.
Parents will be invited back for the last ten minutes of each session to watch the dances their children have learned and listen to a talk on the back stage life of a professional ballet dancer and will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Our pupils will have first priority for booking places but we are happy for other dancing friends to come along. Booking forms and further details, including costs, to follow in September!

Please take note of the following dates for Live Show 2012 - how excited are we?!
Sunday 4th March
Sunday 11th March
Sunday 18th March (full dress rehearsal) - sorry also Mothers' Day!
Show Dates
Monday 19th March
Tuesday 20th March
Wednesday 21st March
Thursday 22nd March
Friday 23rd March
Saturday 24th March (afternoon and evening performances)

Daytime and evening Zumba sessions are now on offer at Pontefract Squash Club.
Please check our click here to see our class timetable.

Cheerleaders Perform at Featherstone Rovers X-Factor Concert
Our Senior Cheerleaders gave an excellent performance at the Featherstone Rovers, Big Fellas Stadium on Saturday 14th August 2010. The girls performed alongside the X-factor stars in the X-Factor Concert. X-Factor stars included Chico (pictured with the girls below). Danyl Johnson, Same difference, Ruth Lorenzo, Journey South, Lloyd Daniels and Re-Connected. The girls performed two of their routines and the event was a great success. The crowd really enjoyed the girls' performance. To see more photos please click here.

2010 Dance Summer School
The Summer School for 2010 was held from 16th to 19th August.
Pupils included members of the Dancing School as well as children who were new to the school or who had never been involved in this type of activity.
The children attended for four full days and were engaged in a range of activities involving dancing, singing, acting, along with dance and drama games. The pupils learnt a range of new things, including cheerleading dances, street dance routines and musical theatre songs. The end of the week culminated in an enjoyable performance for parents/family/friends. This was then followed by a presentation of awards and certificates. Each pupil enjoyed the summer school and made new friends. The Summer School 2010, was an overall success and we hope to continue it in future years. Well done to everyone involved. Please click here to see more photos from our 2010 Summer School.

Summer 2010 Exam Session
Congratulations to all dancers who took IDTA exams on the 26th June and 11th July. Excellent results were achieved, yet again, with the majority of pupils gaining Honours or Highly Commended in their exams.
In her report to the Principal the external IDTA Examiner said "Thank you for a most enjoyable session with well-groomed and very well-rehearsed pupils." All exam results are displayed on the school noticeboard - well done to our highest achieving pupils who are as follows:
Grade 1 - Katelyn Taylor - 87%
Grade 2 - Freya Marks & Bethany Kaye - 85%
Grade 3 - Pippa Nottingham - 87%
Grade 5 - Daniel Williams - 89%
Primary - Sophie Hawkins - 83%
Grade 1 - Katelyn Taylor - 87%
Grade 4 - Megan Hoyle & Zoe Ward - 83%
Modern Jazz
Bronze Award - Harriet Dee - 87%
Adult Tap
Star Award 5 - Helen Adamson, Lynda Heptinstall & Tracey Eastwood- 87%
Musical Theatre
All pupils achieved Honours/Highly Commended
All pupils achieved Honours/Highly Commended

2010 Summer School for Children
A Summer School will be taking place from Monday 16th August to Thursday 19th August (11.00am to 3pm). Sessions will consist of fun dance classes in a mix of styles including cheerleading, street, singing and drama. Each day there will be fun energetic warm-up routines, party games and different activities throughout the day. In classes we will be working towards a final performance, showing the children's hard work, which will take place at the Squash Club on the last day at 2pm. This will be followed by a presentation of awards and certificates.
The cost of the course is £40 (payable on the first session). Children will need to bring a packed lunch each day. If your child is interested in taking part please see your class teacher to
book your child's place.
For more information telephone Kath Smith on 07789 065890

Dancers to Perform at the European Squash Championships
Pupils from our Cabaret Class will be performing at the opening ceremony of the European Squash Championships in September 2010, which are to be hosted by Pontefract Squash and Leisure Club.
This is a very prestigious tournament and we are delighted to be invited to welcome visitors from all over Europe.
Cabaret Class Performances
After our annual 'Cabaret Evening' performance at the end of February 2010, our dancers have been invited to perform at a variety of events including the Conservative Club Annual Dinner, Magistrates Annual Dinner, Carleton Grange Garden Party, Altofts and Normanton Brass Band Charity Event as well as a number of private functions (such as birthdays, anniversaries, etc). Well done everyone involved!

Presentation Evening
Thank you to everyone who attended the recent presentation evening and disco. Special awards were given to Olivia Logan for the highest mark in her tap exam (Primary Tap) and to Emily Pridham for the highest mark in her ballet exam. A special thank you to the girls from the Cabaret Class who were fantastic in entertaining our audience.
Facebook Group
If you are a Facebook user then why not join our new Facebook Group (Leydon-Smith School of Theatre Dance)? The Facebook group is a great place to share our news, ideas, photos, discussions, etc. There are a number of great photos that members have uploaded already including some of the recent Presentation Evening and our new hoodies! In terms of e-safety, membership of the Facebook Group is carefully monitored to include only dance school members/friends. Joining the group does not give other group members access to your personal profile available to your ‘friends’. Remember, never accept anyone as a ‘friend’ on Facebook unless you know them. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns.